Application form help

Application form help

The below information may assist you to complete key questions in the online CWMF application form. Also refer to the hints and tips throughout the form and the example answers to three questions in the form.

If you have other questions that are not covered on this page or in the Program Guidelines, please contact us via


Form section: Applicant Organisation Details


Question: Applicant Authorised Signatory or their Delegate

An authorised signatory is a person who is authorised to sign legal documents on behalf of your organisation. If your CWMF application is successful, this is the person who would need to sign the Grant Funding Agreement to accept funding from the NSW Government.

Who this person is may depend on the structure of your organisation. As a guide, they might be an office bearer or executive. If you do not know who your authorised signatory is, you should start by speaking with the person who handles your organisation’s legal matters.

Note: If this person leaves the organisation before you have been notified about the outcome of your application, it is your responsibility to notify OVA.


Form section: Key Project and War Memorial Details


Form sub-section: CWMF Categories

Question: Which CWMF category are you applying for?

 Applications to the CWMF must align with and be submitted under one of two categories and your application must include the mandatory supporting documents for that category. Refer to the FAQ - What are the two project categories used for the CWMF?

It is important to obtain heritage advice before planning any physical work to a war memorial to ensure that the work is appropriate and aligns with best practice conservation principals and processes.

If you are preparing a Category B application and you do not have written or verbal heritage advice, please consider submitting a Category A application to request funding for heritage advice, as a first step. If your war memorial is located on council-owned or managed property, or is listed as a local heritage item, you must consult with council prior to applying to the CWMF. Your local council's heritage advisor may be able to provide heritage advice in these instances.


Form sub-section: Project Information

Question: Title

Enter a short name for your project, including the war memorial's name. 


Question: Brief description

In 50 words or less, explain your project by setting out the work you are proposing, focusing on the specific elements of your project the requested funding would be used for. An example of how to write a project description is provided here.


Question: Anticipated start date

This should be after the approximate date you will be notified of the outcome of your application. This date is listed in the ‘Key dates’ section of the Program Guidelines.


Question: Anticipated end date

This should be within a year from your start date. If your application is successful, you will have 12 months from the award of your funding to acquit the grant.


Question: Primary location of your initiative

Enter the address of the war memorial. If your project relates to multiple memorials, we recommend you submit a separate application for each memorial. Refer to the FAQ - Can I apply for funding for more than one memorial in the same round?


Question: Is the memorial located on public land?

Public land can include public parks or roadsides. For war memorial buildings, land may either be publicly or privately owned. You may need to consult with local council or building managers to answer this question.


Question: Provide a concise description of the current condition of the memorial, including specific information relevant to your project.

For example, if you are proposing to repair damage to a marble monument, please provide information about the state of the marble, and the issues that may be causing disrepair. An example of how to write a summary of the condition of a memorial is provided here.


Form section: Stakeholder Consultation


Question: Have you consulted with local council?

If the war memorial is located on council-owned or managed property or is listed as a local heritage item on Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP), you must consult with Council prior to applying to the CWMF. Your local council’s heritage advisor may be able to provide heritage advice in these instances. We understand councils may use external heritage advisors, so you can include the details of an external advisor in those cases. If council has provided you with written heritage advice, please attach it in the Optional Supporting Documents section of the application form.


Form section: Project Funding


Question: List of quoted expenses

An example of how to fill in the list of quoted expenses table is provided here.

  • The expenses you include in this table should relate to the quotes you have received for the project and have attached at the 'Mandatory Supporting Documents' section of the application form.
  • All items must be eligible activities under the Program Guidelines (see key sections: 'Examples of eligible projects' and 'Examples of ineligible projects').
  • For assistance calculating GST, visit the Australian Government's GST Calculator website.
  • For ease of filling in the table, click 'Maximise' to enlarge the screen. Once you are done, click 'Minimise' to return to the form.


Question: List of other sources of funding

Use this table to list any other funding you have that will contribute to your overall project costs. Please do not include the CWMF grant amount you are applying for. Refer to the FAQ - What are co-contributions?


Form section: Supporting documents


Question: Mandatory Supporting Documents - Quotes


Question: Mandatory Supporting Documents - Photos